Thu, May 02
The Marvelous Guide to Actual Practice
A Year-long Intensive on Rangjung Dorje’s Ati Yoga
Time & Location
May 02, 2024, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT
About the event
The 14th century Tibetan meditation master known as Rangjung Dorje, the 3rd Karmapa, is historically significant within the Tibetan Buddhist world for many reasons, one of which being that he is widely regarded as the first officially recognized tulku. A master of many aspects of the vajrayana tradition, his works and impact still remain fresh and vital to understanding mahamudra, the vajra body, and a host of other topics.
Rangjung Dorje was also a contemporary of the great Dzogchen master Longchenpa, and studied and practiced under Longchenpa’s primary teacher Rigdzin Kumaradza. According to Rangjung Dorje’s biography, he had a vision in which the early Dzogchen masters Vimalamitra and Padmasambhava appeared and dissolved into the point between his eyebrows. It is said that as this happened, Rangjung Dorje instantly received the transmission for all of the Dzogchen tantras along with a visionary cycle of Dzogchen meditation that arose in his mind which he subsequently wrote down. This became known as the Karma Nyingthik – a unique approach to manifesting the clarity and timeless awareness that is our enlightened nature.
Over time, most of the texts within what is assumed to be the wider cycle of the Karma Nyingthik seem to have been dispersed, many of which are still unaccounted for, however, the text known as The Marvelous Guide to Actual Practice, survives and remains an important and rare example of Dzogchen practiced within the context of the Karma Kagyu tradition.
Dzogchen (Sanskrit: Ati Yoga) is the most simple, direct, and profound path to reveal the sky-like nature of our own mind which is clear, vast, and unobstructed by the clouds of afflictive emotions.
In August 2022, His Eminence Gyaltsab Rinpoche, one of the four heart-sons of the 16th Gyalwang Karmapa suggested to Lama Justin that it would be very good to teach this The Marvelous Guide to Actual Practice, and gave his blessing that this should happen.
During this year-long on-line program we will explore the direct and pithy instructions that the third Karmapa presents as a way to access the experience of the mind’s true nature in daily life and liberating afflictive emotions so that the rigpa-state is able to be experienced. This unique lineage, combined with Lama Justin's clear explanation and practical instructions make this retreat an invaluable support for both beginner and advanced meditators of any lineage.