December 29th 2025 through January 12th 2026​​​
Bhutan, the Land of the Dragon, is uniquely situated as the last existing Vajrayana Kingdom in the world. Bhutan holds a very special place not only for the past development of Vajrayana (tantric Buddhism) but is currently a vital location for the preservation and thriving practice of this dynamic spiritual tradition. Above all else, Bhutan holds a sacred relationship to the development of the practice of Dzogchen (Sanskrit: Ati Yoga).
Join Lama Justin von Bujdoss and H.E. Chung Tulku Rinpoche for a unique tour of some of the most significant sites in the Land of the Dragon associated with Dzogchen. We will follow in the footsteps of Padmasambhava, Yeshe Tsogyal, Longchenpa, and Pema Lingpa as well as countless other great masters. We will have the opportunity to view the relics of the previous Chung Rinpoche as well as those of Trulshik Dongak Lingpa, an important tertön, and rediscover of Dungtsö Repa’s important dzogchen cycle centered around dark retreat known as the Yangti Nakpo.
We will travel from Paro to Bumthang and Thimphu through pristine forests, visit important pilgrimage sites with unparalleled art and architecture. While in Bumthang we will emphasize practice and retreat, receiving transmission of two very important texts in the practice of dzogchen. Last year Rinpoche offered the Ngondro transmission, and this year will be continuing on with the Yangti Nagpo guru empowerment from the terma cycle to those who have completed the Ngondro so that they can move on to the accumulations associated with the guru practice (the first of the three roots). For those who have yet to recieve the transmission for the Ngondro practices, rinpoche will offer these again along with instructions on the practice.
From here we will move into three days of retreat in the Tang valley. These transmissions of the Yangti Nakpo are connected to Dungtsö Repa’s terma on dark retreat of which H.E. Chung Tulku Rinpoche is a lineage holder, and are uniquely connected to the very land we will be visiting.
This is an incredible opportunity to connect with the past, present of the practice of Dzogchen and Yangti yoga and plant seeds for the ripening of future realization through these beautifully profound spiritual practices which are truly one of the most precious gifts that humanity has seen. Come take your place in this timeless journey into the very heart of Ati.

To secure your spot a $1500 flat rate deposit is required. Following submission of your deposit, emails will be sent to all registrants with the details for planning including: how to prepare/pack, details for making the final payment, obtaining the Bhutan visa, organizing flights to Paro and advise regarding Buddhist pilgrimage. The remaining cost is due no later than October 1st 2025. Join us by submitting your deposit using the button below!

Early Bird Price​
$6900 (Single occupancy)
$6100 (Double occupancy) -
After September 1st -
$7200 (Single occupancy)
$6400 (Double occupancy)
our travel + Practice guides
Lama Justin and Chung Tulku Rinpoche are uniquely suited to lead this particular pilgrimage as they share a common vision around bringing the practice of the dzogchen practice of Yangti to others so that they can benefit from the depth of experience that can arise from dark retreat. They both have considerable experience with this practice and see this pilgrimage as a way of creating positive connection within the mindstreams of participants with the practice of dzogchen, especially Yangti yoga, as well as the past lineage masters of this practice. They are interested in working together to create a conducive relationship between eastern and western culture around the practice of Yangti that brings benefit to all.
the land of the dragon
How do I prepare for a dark retreat?Try to show up to a dark retreat in such a way that you are relaxed and at ease. It is worth trying to get a good night’s rest for a few days before - we are all generally busier than we think, and sometimes we don’t realize this until we are able to stop and in this case be in darkness for some time. An easeful, intentionally relaxed approach will definitely help you open up to the subtle nature of this type of experience. A stable basis in Trekchö and/or Mahamudra is very important as well which is why Yantgi Yoga Retreat Center offers supportive programming as a way to help people prepare for dark retreat. Generally, the longer the retreat the more stability one should have with respect to practices like Mahamudra and Trekchö - these practices serve as a skillful foundation that will enable the practitioner to have a stable basis for practice as well as the ideal context. You will be asked to provide a description of your history of meditation practice - this will allow us to assist in addressing any supplementary preparatory training that may be helpful and wise. Dark retreat can be transformational for practitioners, and this is especially true for those who have a clear understanding of how these practices support and augment a pre-existing relationship to open awareness practices. Before you begin a retreat with us we will meet with you to discuss these issues in detail and if needed, offer supportive preparatory training as an additional support.
What can I expect during the course of a dark retreat?In short, it is always difficult to predict what one might experience during a retreat of this nature. Sometimes the length of the retreat has an impact, at other times what it is that we are experiencing leading up to the retreats can impact the nature of the experience. Since we are not always used to this type of experience, especially being in the dark for extended periods of time, try to be curious around what comes up for you. If possible, try to enter into this without too many preconceived ideas so that you can open to experiencing the unexpected through your senses and your mind. Quite often these retreats are very visual and so, despite being in darkness, it is not uncommon to have visions and a variety of experiences of peace, easefulness and increased awareness. At other times these retreats can be difficult – when these situations arise try to relax and let the difficulties pass.
Because we will be in complete darkness if there is an emergency how will we know what to do?We have carefully planned these retreats and will always have people on site and at the ready in the unlikely event that an emergency situation arises. Lama Justin will always be on the property when dark retreats are in process and will also be available to address any serious issue that may occur. We have practical systems in place that we will explain in person. Everyone has the ability to break retreat if things get too difficult. Additionally, as part of the larger application process you will be asked to provide the contact information for an emergency contact, your doctor and or therapist so that in the event of an emergency as much possible support can be offered.
What mindset, or perspective should I bring to this?Try not to prejudge what you think the experience should be. Being in darkness can be challenging when we are anxious, in a difficult place with respect to our emotions or when we are sick. As you prepare for a retreat like this take some time to feel into whether being in darkness would be a challenge for you. If it feels like something that will be worthwhile, then try to show up with an open, easy attitude and begin to explore your curiosity as the retreat begins.