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Image by Manuel Meurisse

Touching into Self Liberated Essence


The practice of dark retreat, yangti yoga in sanskrit, is a profound form of thögal meditation which engages the experience of darkness to transform our relationship to the way we experience appearance and directly understand our true, awakened nature. The use of darkness within human spirituality extends across many cultures. Our approach to dark retreat is connected to forms of practice that were inspired by the 15th century yangti yoga master, Dungtso Repa, the later who revealed an important cycle of yangti yoga practice.


The practice of dark retreat within this context is a ‘leap -over’ practice in the sense that it affords the practitioner the opportunity for an experience that is rich, clear and dynamically confirms a greater understanding of the nature of our minds.

In the style of many great realized masters of the past and present time, our approach to practice and inclusivity is non-sectarian, or rimé (Tib. རིས་མེད་) in nature. We have a foundational commitment to inclusivity, as such are committed to working with practitioners of various backgrounds and lineages.

Image by Manuel Meurisse

"Rest like the immovable, stable mountains, like the still and limpid sea. Rest like the limitless sky – whatever may abide, whatever may arise, rest in primordial awareness and it’s radiance."


APPLICATION of interest in Dark retreat

Thank you for your interest in visiting the Yangti Yoga Retreat Center. This application is a preliminary request to submit interest in scheduling a Dark Retreat, based on the application one may expect further screening and interview prior to retreat. Please note that our center is in the initial stage of preparing for retreat guests and will begin hosting guests for retreat starting late fall of 2024. Following submission of this application you will be contacted regarding next steps and timeline

Thank you for your submission! You will be contacted by a memeber of our team regarding next steps

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